Current Forest Fire Danger Level

Forest Fire Danger in Harz National Park: What You Need to Know

Current Forest Fire Danger Level

As of August 2022, the fire danger level in Harz National Park is currently at the second highest level. This means that the risk of a forest fire is high, and visitors to the park should take precautions to avoid starting a fire.

Forest Fire Danger Levels

The forest fire danger level is determined by a number of factors, including the weather, the amount of dead vegetation on the ground, and the type of vegetation in the area. The forest fire danger level is divided into five levels, with 1 being the lowest risk and 5 being the highest risk.

Behavior Guidelines for Harz National Park Visitors

Depending on the current forest fire danger level, there are different behavior guidelines that visitors should follow to help prevent forest fires. These guidelines include:
  • Level 1: No restrictions.
  • Level 2: No open fires or barbecues. Smoking is only permitted in designated areas.
  • Level 3: No open fires or barbecues. Smoking is prohibited.
  • Level 4: No entry into the forest. All activities are prohibited.
  • Level 5: No entry into the forest. All activities are prohibited.

How to Prevent Forest Fires

There are a number of things that visitors to Harz National Park can do to help prevent forest fires, including:
  • Never leave a campfire unattended.
  • Dispose of cigarettes properly.
  • Be careful with any activities that could create a spark, such as using a chainsaw or welding.
  • Report any suspicious activity to the authorities.
By following these guidelines, visitors to Harz National Park can help keep the park safe from forest fires.

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